Magazzini del Cotone Conference Center, GENOA - ITALY
MAIN CONFERENCE: 24-25-26 MAY 2006
WORKSHOPS and TUTORIALS: 22-23 and 27-28 MAY 2006
Conference web site:
The fifth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2006, is organised by ELRA in cooperation with a wide range of international associations and consortia, including AAMT, ACL, AFNLP, ALLC, ALTA, COCOSDA and Oriental COCOSDA, EACL, EAMT, ELSNET, ENABLER, EURALEX, Forum TAL, GWA, IAMT, ISCA, KnowledgeWeb, LDC, NEMLAR Network, SENSEVAL, SIGLEX, TEI, Techno-Langue French Program, WRITE and with major national and international organisations including the European Commission - Information Society and Media Directorate General, Unit “Interfaces”.
- Please download the full version of the 2nd Call for Paper (pdf format, 60 Ko).