Title The Verb in the Terminological Collocations. Contribution to the Development of a Morphological Analyser. MorphoComp
Author(s) Rute Costa, Raquel Silva

Universidade Nova de Lisboa - CLUNL, Unit Research - Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology, Avenida de Berna 26 - C, 1069 - 061 Lisboa - Portugal, m.rutecosta@mail.telepac.pt; raq.silva@fcsh.unl.pt

Session O33-TW
Abstract Considering that we are observing and describing the behaviour of the terminological units and the terminological collocations, we intend to talk about the value of the verb as a nuclear element of the terminological collocation in the Portuguese language. So we will empathize the theoretical distinction between multilexemic terminological unit and terminological collocation and the importance of the verbs in corpus for special purposes. The characteristics of the verbal paradigms are particularly complex. Identifying, describing and formalizing the complexity of the terminological verbs, within linguistics structures in verbal terminological collocation, is an important issue in the construction of a morphological analyser which purpose is to enrich the performance of ExtracTerm, an extractor for Portuguese language. The growing quality and the rigour of the tagging allows the improvement of linguistic rules in order to obtain better results in the automatic extraction of terminological units. The morphosyntactical, semantic and conceptual analysis of the terminological verbs will increase the capacity of the automatic analysis.
Keyword(s) Terminology, automatic extraction, collocations, morphosyntactic annotation, multilexemic, POS tagging, terminological units, terminological verbs, terminological verbal collocation.
Language(s) Portuguese
Full Paper 795.pdf