
ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications


Paul Schmidt (1), Sandrine Garnier (1), Mike Sharwood (2), Toni Badia (3), Lourdes Díaz (3), Martí Quixal (3), Ana Ruggia (3), Antonio S. Valderrabanos (4), Alberto J. Cruz (4), Enrique Torrejon (5), Celia Rico (5), Jorge Jimenez (5)

(1) IAI, Saarbrücken, Germany, paul@iai.uni-sb.de; (2) Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, UK, M.A.Sharwood_Smith@hw.ac.uk; (3) Dept. of Translation and Philology, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, toni.badia@upf.edu; (4) SchlumbergerSema, Madrid, Spain, Alberto.Cruz@madrid.sema.slb.com; (5) Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación, Facultad de Comunicación y Humanidades, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain, enrique.torrejon@uem.es




This paper describes how mature NLP that has been successfully applied in the area of controlled language checking can be used to deliver intelligent CALL applications. It describe how an autonomous, long-distance second-language learning system for advanced learners can be created. The architecture of the system consists of a multimodal user interface, a set of skill-specific learning tools, and a set of NLP-based evaluation tools. All modules are integrated in a flexible and scalable software architecture allowing for the use of NLP and ensuring a user-friendly environment based on advanced concepts in language didactics. The multimodal user interface is web-based and incorporates off-the-shelf ASR. The set of skill-specific learning tools consists of a reading, listening, speaking and a writing tool. The thrust of the project is to show the potential of NLP in evaluation of students' productions.


Computer Assisted Language Learning, NLP, linguistic resources

Language(s) English, Spanish, German, Catalan
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