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» Conference Topics » Exploitation of LRs in different types of systems and applications

Exploitation of LRs in different types of systems and applications


• Sign language, multimedia information and multimodal communication

• LRs in systems and applications such as: information extraction, information retrieval, audio-visual and multimedia search, speech dictation, meeting transcription, Computer Aided Language Learning, training and education, mobile communication, machine translation, speech translation, summarisation, web services, semantic search, text mining, inferencing, reasoning, etc.

• Different types of interfaces: (speech-based) dialogue systems, natural language and multimodal/multisensorial interactions, voice activated services, etc.

• Use of (multilingual) LRs in various fields of application, like e-government, e-culture, e-health, e-participation, mobile applications, etc.

• Industrial LRs requirements, user needs


Published on Tuesday 5 July 2011
The others articles in the same section :
Update Tuesday 5 July 2011
Update Tuesday 5 July 2011
Update Tuesday 5 July 2011

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